NEW EBS Update Checker


EBS Customers are, by now, familiar with the “EBS Technology Codelevel Checker (ETCC)”. This tool, updated at least every quarter, can scan your EBS system and identify the necessary patches on top of your current PSU. The ETCC tool works on both the dbTier and the EBS appsTier. The output of the ETCC tool will also recommend a single patch bundle that you can download which will contain all of the necessary patches.

As always, you should download the current version of the tool as Patch 17537119. Rather than issuing a new patch with each update, here, they’re merely updating the same patch number, so always download the current one!

What’s new is that they’ve now produced a tool that does the same thing for the various Java installations in your EBS environment.

This new tool is the EBS Java Critical Patch Update Checker (EJCPUC)

Released along with the October 2024 CPU (and, I presume every quarter), the patch for this one is 37171025.

In order to use it, here’s what I do:

Extract the zip file:

mkdir EJCPUC
unzip ${DL}/
chmod 750 *.sh

Set your environment and run the script:


Here is a sample of the output from the appsTier of my lab environment:

## Checking Apptier Java 7 for CPU 2024.10 on Platform Linux_x64 - need 1.7.0_441
## 2024-11-01 13:25:26 CDT  on  ebsap1
 2024.10        action  Your Version    bitness Java Location
 ------------   ------  ------------    ------- ---------------
 1.7.0_441      UPDATE  1.7.0_351       32-bit  /oracle/EBSDBA/fs1/EBSapps/10.1.2/jdk/bin/java
 1.7.0_441      UPDATE  1.7.0_351       32-bit  /oracle/EBSDBA/fs1/EBSapps/comn/util/jdk32/bin/java
 1.7.0_441      UPDATE  1.7.0_351       64-bit  /oracle/EBSDBA/fs1/EBSapps/comn/util/jdk64/bin/java
 1.7.0_441      UPDATE  1.7.0_351       64-bit  /oracle/EBSDBA/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier/jdk/bin/java

Follow 1530033.1 to update the JDK(s). Your application tier JDK 7 is lower than the 1.7.0_441 update released in CPU 2024.10.

Here is a sample of the output from the dbTier:

## Checking DB tier Java for CPU 2024.10 on Platform Linux_x64
## 2024-11-04 08:34:21 CST  on  ebsdb1

## Check Database Version
Your database version is
         ORACLE_HOME     /oracle/EBSDBA/19.3.0
         ORACLE_SID      CDBDBA

## Check Java Version of OJVM, Database JDK and EBS's appsutil JRE, need 1.8.0_421
 Latest Version  action  Your Version  bitness Java Location
 -------------- -------- ------------  ------- ---------------
 1.8.0_431         o)    1.8.0_411      64-bit OJVM In database
 1.8.0_421         j)    1.8.0_401      64-bit /oracle/EBSDBA/19.3.0/jdk/bin/java
 1.8.0_421         u)    1.8.0_401      64-bit /oracle/EBSDBA/19.3.0/appsutil/jre/bin/java

o) Apply the Database Release Update (DBRU) recommended by ETCC which will update the DB OJVM version to the latest
j) Apply the Database Release Update (DBRU) recommended by ETCC which will update the DB JDK version to the latest
u) When the DB JDK version is updated to the latest - then follow section 3 of 1530033.1 to update this JRE

Running ADOP Commands non-Interactively

I really don’t like answering prompts. It takes extra time, requires extra keystrokes, and makes documenting a process somewhat cumbersome. So, I avoid it whenever possible.

In the world of an Oracle E-Business Suite DBA, one command that we run quite often is adop. Unfortunately, the adop command doesn’t directly support command-line arguments for certain common things (passwords, in particular). So, here is what I tend to do:

First, I tend to manually assign the passwords to variables in my current session. The environment variables go away when the session ends. This also makes documentation easier.

export APPSPW=apps
export SYSTEMPW=manager
export WLADMIN=weblogic


{ echo ${APPSPW}; echo ${SYSTEMPW}; echo ${WLADMIN}; }|\
adop phase=prepare


{ echo ${APPSPW}; echo ${SYSTEMPW}; echo ${WLADMIN}; }|\
adop phase=apply patches=1234567


{ echo ${APPSPW}; echo ${SYSTEMPW}; echo ${WLADMIN}; }|\
adop phase=finalize


{ echo ${APPSPW}; echo ${SYSTEMPW}; echo ${WLADMIN}; }|\
adop phase=cutover


{ echo ${APPSPW}; echo ${SYSTEMPW}; echo ${WLADMIN}; }|\
adop phase=cleanup


{ echo ${APPSPW}; echo ${SYSTEMPW}; echo ${WLADMIN}; }|\
adop phase=fs_clone

A brief warning, though. I typically run the adop phase=abort command interactively as there are additional prompts that will need to be answered. Fortunately, I don’t have to do that quite as often…


Welcome to the re-launch of the BlueStone Solutions Group, Inc. site. I will be posting new content (and re-posting some of the old content) in the near future.